2019 Planet Funk Con Report
Planet Funk Con was our last show of the summer, taking place over a three days at the end of June. Unfortunately, this was our worst show of the year. Trying to build off of a strong prior year’s performance, hopes were high. Regrettably the crowds were just not there. The venue was a fantastic new sport complex in the Quad CIties, which provided plenty of amenities and open space. However, it was a new location and perhaps not as accessible as the prior year’s venue. Even with the low crowds, it was still a good time. We made plenty of trades and added a few keys to our inventory. Some of the better pick-ups were:
Marvel Premiere 1 Fine (first Warlock)
Omega Men 3 x 2 NM (first Lobo)
X-Men 9 VG+ (Avengers crossover)
Avengers 46 and 47 Fine (first Black Knight)
Even with the surprisingly small crowd, we still had a great time and met some new people! The highlight of the weekend by far though, was beating Time Crisis 2 at a downtown retro arcade between days 1 and 2. Stay tuned for more updates as we pass the 6 month mark and make our first big donation to the Royal Family Kids Camp.