2018 Mighty Con-Quad Cities Report
Mighty Con in Quad Cities was the first show we attended in September 2018, after buying two pretty large collections. One collection in particular yielded an impressive run of bronze and copper age Marvel keys including Amazing Spider-Man 300, John Byrne’s X-Men Run, Wolverine 181, Ms. Marvel 1 and Giant Size X-Men 1, just to name a few. In lieu of booking a hotel the night before, I decided to make the three hour trek the morning of the show. This proved to be challenging, as I was essentially driving under a thunderstorm for the duration of the trip. While I had everything tarped, I was still dreading the end result. Luckily, only a bit of water made it into the truck, and didn’t severely impact any books. Upon set-up, I was quickly sniffed out as the new guy in the area, Quad Cities shows are common ground for Chicago area dealers. Before I could even get fully set-up, I had a swarm of dealers buying stacks from my higher priced, key boxes. And subsequently marking them up to go on their walls. I can’t complain too much, I ended up being ahead before the doors even opened! The crowd in attendance that day was small, yet enthusiastic. I made steady sales for most of the first day, and even worked out a cash deal for my Hulk 181, first Wolverine. Hulk 181, was definitely the book of the show, I was told early on by another dealer that everyone would be asking to look at that one. And he was right, it didn’t even make it to lunch! Day two was much slower, as Sundays typically are for cons, but that didn’t stop it from sales-wise, being the most successful show we’ve done. And hopefully the first of many more to come!